Hi, we're design.tgminfotech.com, and welcome to the design.tgminfotech.com Refund Rules. Because we are a platform, these rules outline what you can expect from the authors of the items you buy. They apply to all authors and customers. The products that authors sell on the platform are digital goods and cannot be "returned", so your entitlement to a refund is designed with this in mind. Of course, in addition to these rules, each country has its own laws surrounding refunds, and these local laws are not excluded if they apply to you.
Before you ask for a refund from an author
If you have purchased an item from our “Designs and Templates” category and you are experiencing a technical issue with the item we recommend that you contact the author of that item and seek assistance. often, they’ll be able to help you to troubleshoot your problem.
Asking for refunds from authors via the Design Platform platform
We understand, however, that sometimes the author may not be able to solve your issue or there may be circumstances in which a refund is warranted. In this case, here are the circumstances in which we would expect an author to provide you with a refund: Item is “not as described” or the “item doesn’t work the way it should”, “Item support is promised but not provided”, “Item support extension not used”, Items that have not been downloaded Item is 'not as described' or the item doesn’t work the way it should. If an item doesn’t work the way it should then the author is required to promptly fix the issue by updating the item. An item is “not as described” if it is materially different from the item description or preview. If the issue can’t be fixed or it turns out that the item is “not as described” then you would be entitled to a refund from the author.
Item support is promised but not provided
If an author advertises their item as including item support, you have a current support entitlement, and you are not provided that support in accordance with the item support policy the author should provide you with a refund